Did you ever watch a friend go back to their abusive partner?
It feels like that.
So many people ask “Why?”
Some explanations are incredibly simple.
When people are in pain, we will go with what feels familiar — the pain we know is not as scary as the unknown, the unfamiliar.
Looking back, we think, “It wasn't so bad, it was good, actually…” Until we get back in it, and we remember why we turned away in the first place.
Then when the pain gets too unbearable, if we are still alive, we gather the courage to make the change.
So, how do we help our friends?
First, don’t panic. Take a breath and as they say, “hold space.”
Let the dust settle, as votes are still being counted. We have to let the process play out. Concentrate on what we can control. Act locally.
It’s November. We give thanks, and then we hunker down and prepare for winter.
-- Mari